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Himalaya Centroamericana


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COGNI NORM ® tablets

Aryuveda medicine of active ingredients that are produced from plants, or from parts of plants.


Each tablet contains:
Standardized dry extract of
Bacopa monnieri (whole plant) 200 mg
Excipients 500 mg


Bacosides A and B.


• They improve cognitive processes at the level of neurotransmission. Bacosides are the substances that facilitate cholinergic neurotransmission in the frontal areas of the brain; This potentiation results in the improvement of the brain's cognitive properties: memory, stability, volume and attention acuity, among others.
• They increase the activity of anti-radical defense enzymes in the striatum, hippocampus and cerebral cortex, which helps slow the progress of the mechanisms of encephalopathies.


Cognitive disorders. Improves memory, attention span and general performance. Alzheimer's disease.

• Adjuvant in inattention and concentration deficit problems.
• Dyscirculatory encephalopathy.
• Epilepsy.
• Stress.
• Alzheimer's disease.
• Chronic psychotraumatic situations and sharp.

International studies have shown that it is also useful in cases of:

• Bronchial asthma.
• Dysmenorrhea.
• High blood pressure.
• Menopause.


1 tablet 2 times a day.

Route of administration: Oral.


Some works in vitro suggest an anti-cancer effect , probably due to the inhibition of DNA replication in malignant cells.

Bacosides can be administered in conjunction with anticonvulsant drugs, to enhance their effects and avoid polyragmasis (simultaneous administration of various medications, sometimes unnecessary); as well as to avoid the application of very high doses of potentially toxic products.

In the last decades, extensive information has been reported on the evidence of neurochemical molecular alterations in nervous, endocrine and immune tissue, caused by stress . Emphasis has been placed on the role of the "hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal glands" axis in responding to chronic and acute psychotraumatic situations. Although stress-induced changes tend to be self-limiting, prolonged exposure to levels that exceed the individual resistance limit can result in irreversible pathological conditions.

In cases of acute stress, pre-treatment with Bacopa monnieri significantly reduced the rate of ulcers, the weight of the adrenal gland and the levels creatine kinase, which means that it helps mitigate somatic consequences from relevant psychotraumatic situations.

Anti-inflammatory and antiallergic
Stabilizes mast cells in vitro , in a manner comparable to the effect of cromoglycate of sodium. It has anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins and stabilizing the lysosomal membrane.

Bacopa monnieri bacosides stabilize the membranes of heparin granules in mast cells and circulating basophilic granulocytes in the blood, inhibiting reactions atopic.

Bacosides show a potent relaxing effect on the pulmonary arteries, aorta and other vessels, probably mediated by the inhibition of the intracellular flow of calcium to through the cell membrane of myocytes, as well as by increased synthesis of nitric oxide in endotheliocytes

Extracts of Bacopa monnieri control chemically induced bronchospasm, stabilizing mast cell granules, by decreasing the spasm of the bronchial smooth muscle by the calmodulin / Ca 2+ - dependent mechanism.

These properties justify its use in the complementary treatment of bronchial asthma.

The triterpenoids, saponins and bacosides contained in Bacopa monnieri are the substances responsible for stimulating neuronal impulse transmission and repairing damaged neurons. By potentiating the activity of various kinases, they stimulate neuronal synthesis, also improving neurotransmission.

The primary feature of Alzheimer's disease is the loss of cholinergic activity in the hippocampus. Bacosides increase antioxidant activity in the hippocampus, frontal cortex, and striatum.

Various studies have shown that the extract of Bacopa monnieri modulates the expression of some enzymes involved in the generation of free radicals in the brain.

In very high doses, the concentration of thyroxine T4 increases without varying the levels of T3, which suggests that the bacosides work directly at the thyroid, stimulating the synthesis and / or release of T4, without altering the conversion of T4 into T3 at the level of deiodases in peripheral tissues.

However, it should be clarified that in common doses (200 - 400 mg daily) they do not exert a notable thyroid-stimulating effect, but it is necessary to take it into consideration in people with thyroid pathologies.


• Hyperthyroid, consult your doctor, in high doses can increase T4 levels.
• Do not use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
• Interaction with other drugs: May enhance thyroid drugs -stimulants and decrease the action of thyroid suppressant drugs.


No side effects have been reported.


Box with 30 tablets of 700 mg in blisters.


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